Community Engagement:

Executive Board Member of Pride Toronto

Appointed to the permanent Provincial Roundtable on Violence Against Women

Board of Directors: Maggies Toronto Sex Workers Action Project

Community Outreach Director of Techsdale

Former - working group member and Organizer with the Network for the Elimination of Police Violence

Former - Community Organizer with the Network for Panafrican Solidarity

Former - Community Organizer and working group member with STRUTT Toronto - Sex Worker Justice

Former - Community Organizer with Poverty Reduction Toronto a coalition of over 75 organizations ensuring that Toronto’s Poverty Reduction strategy is adopted and implemented

Founder and Organizer for Grind Toronto

Director and Founder of Toronto Childcare Collective

Past - Participant in Toronto Friends For Life Bike Rally since

Former - Volunteer for The Toronto People with HIV/Aids

Former - Mentor for Eastview Boys and Girls program

Former - Volunteer for Out of the Cold



Canadian Delegate - The International Human Rights World Pride Conference

Sexpert - Featured Sex Educator and Activist by Sexology Magazine

Tonotoist People To Watch 2015 

Feature - Huffington Post, National Post, Now Toronto, Toronto Star, Metro Toronto, The Guardian UK, discussing sex workers rights

Feature - Toronto Metro, Toronto Star, Toronto Sun discussing systematic racism and Police violence

Feature - Sex and LGBTQ Equality Educator featured on several episodes of Showtime Entertainment: Sunny Megatron Show

2016 - Leading Women Building Communities award for exceptional leadership to improve the lives of Women and Girls.

BCCA's Human Rights Award for 2016


After 14 years of advocacy, the local and provincial award recipient Akio Maroon is as dedicated to equity, equality and human rights today as they were back in 2001 as highlighted below: 

Conferences: World Human Rights Conference, Feminist Conference, Catalyst Conference, Anti-Black Racism Conference: Criminalization, Community and Resistance, Black futures Now, Pride Human Rights Conference 2016, National Anti-Trafficking Forum 

Speaker: Toronto District, School Board, Slut Walk Toronto, Collation for the Elimination of Poverty, Take Back The Night, Toronto Rape Crisis Centre / Multicultural Women Against Rape.

Volunteer and or Organizer for Stop & Frisk, Mothers Call for Justice (NYC), Hands Up Toronto, Trayvon Martin March for Justice, Communities United for Police Reform, Cop Watch New York, Justice Committee, Toronto People With AIDS foundation. 

Panelist: Sexual Education Center University of Toronto, OPIRG, The Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention, The Human Rights Forum on the experience of African descendants in Canada

Radio: News Talk1010, Canadaland Commons, 3 Women with Cheri Dinovo, CUIT, Globe and Mail

Canadian Delegate - The International Human Rights World Pride Conference, Summit on Sexual Violence and Harassment

Feature - Huffington Post, National Post, Now Toronto, Toronto Star, Metro Toronto, The Guardian UK - discussing justice and equality for migrants and racialized people. Globe and Mail – Colour Code discussing Race in Canada.

Feature - Toronto Metro, Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, Globe and Mail CBC, CityTv discussing systematic racism, Police violence and Poverty reduction

Feature - Consent and LGBTQ Equality Educator featured on three episodes of Showtime Entertainment: Sunny Megatron Show

Community Organizer with Poverty Reduction Toronto – bringing together over 75 community organizations to identify key actions the City of Toronto should undertake as part of its proposed Poverty Reduction Strategy.